Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dedicated to my one and only Chatterbox-Emo-LalaChoong-Lame-Friend seems like I suddenly have the mood to do a post finally. Never seem to have the urge to write a post, too boring la wei. Besides, I did this to seek attention in the first place, and I think it has just outlived that purposes. And by the way, I am currently in my stoning (not that type of stoning, but a non-drug stoning state), so there might be some spelling mistake which I wont even bother to try and correct it to show how bloody shit i can be. Wow, I just sweared on here....oh wow, another spelling mistake there, too sad....wattafarting fark?

Kk...before I get off from my main purpose here, this post is dedicated the title again la for god sake, I'm too lazy to type the whole thing out. What? I can copy and paste it? But that wouldnt be sincere anymore now would it? (As if this is sincere) Wow....I cant believe that I'm typing this post at a speed of 500words per seconds...which is basically a lie, but it is actually very fast like the speed of exaggerating. stoning mode really is wattafood? basically, I spent nearly everyday with the kid on his last few days in Malaysia (actually, I spent everyday with him since he's the only one on holiday). So after another few more lines of my ranting and craps, I would post a list of photos just to make this post look longer and lamer and possibly much more boring than it can be. Oh, and I know that you're starting to scan through this whole part rather than reading it like a nerd because that's what people like you and me do. We just skip the reading and look/stare/dunno wtf else at the photos because it's much easier and less stress than reading. crap...never ending.....please....shut up....zzzz...weeeeee.....lalalalalaLOLIpopopopokerFart?

DAAAAAAAMMMN! Seems like the internet speed suddenly was so farted up so I could only manage to post 2 pictures. But I'll be back! Gov Arnold Alois Schwazenegger Terminator T-800 famous quote promise style. If I could, I would ask you to talk to the hand. So...till then, Judgement day shall arrive! much more lame can I be? lemme cont on with the photos now.

And 2 of the following photos are taken on the day he leaves. He looks like a freakin penguin while Adrian is posing in a China-crossover-Korea-wth pose.

Actually there's alot more but too bad right now I feel like dying since I only had less than 5 hours of sleep in total for 2 days. So Ima end my post in a gay-ish way......Toodles...teehee~ (OMFGLOLTHXSTFU)